Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference

Selected logo concepts

Final large-form logo

Business cards

Selected letterhead concepts

Selected presentation folder concepts

Sponsorship package with final presentation folder and letterhead designs

Delegate handbook
In a continuing effort to ensure every element of the conference was of the highest possible quality, I made sure to question every standardized detail. Not being a fan of nametags, I sought a new solution that would subtly help identify that a person was a part of the conference, and indicate their role within the conference.
My solution to this was to provide each delegate with a square of satin fabric, and an assortment of fasteners to allow them to wear it in any way they wished. The colour of the fabric indicated their role within the conference.

I created the instructional diagrams above as part of a set of six meant to spur conference delegates to be creative with wearing their identifiers.

Photo credit: Joy Beshie

Photo credit: Joy Beshie

Photo credit: Joy Beshie

Photo credit: Michael Seliske